Support Phil Wiese


Phil Wiese deserves our support to be our Iowa House Representative. Phil knows that public dollars (your taxes, right?) should support our public schools instead of subsidizing private schools which have, by the way, raised their rates since the Republican trifecta ignored Iowans’ protests at legislative hearings and rammed through the school vouchers program.

Bobby K, where was your supportive voice for public education then? Last year our public schools lost nearly $128 million in funding to 16,757 private students at $7,826 each.  This year it will be much greater, with 30,000 applications approved already: a loss for your public schools (serving 508,000 students) of $234,780,000.

There are other issues: The lack of respect that our current  representative shows to those who disagree with him is one. Example #1: see above.  I have been to a so-called “listening post,” where he and his supporters have attacked those who challenge him. It would have been more accurate to call it a “listening to Bobby” post. 

Please go to to see what this respectful, insightful, courageous man will do to be sure no Iowans are left behind.

Jim Glasson

West Branch
