West Liberty Legion plans new veterans project


West Liberty American Legion Auxiliary Unit #509 had another very successful poppy drive in May.  They also participated in the West Branch Flag Retirement ceremony on Flag Day.  In July, members rode in the Muscatine County Fair Parade.

The auxiliary has been working on a new project for the Quad Cities Veteran Outreach Center.  The Center is a non-profit organization that has no connection with the Veterans Administration.  It receives no state or federal funding and is able to operate solely because of the generosity of businesses and citizens.  Learn more, or register with the Outreach Center at 563-529-4782.

West Liberty’s auxiliary unit plans to invite neighboring auxiliary units to come to a breakfast meeting at WL Legion Hall on Saturday, Oct. 14.  They will put together bags of puzzle books, pens/pencils, candy, crackers, granola bars, chapsticks and other small items for our vets. These bags will be delivered to the QC Center and distributed.  Donations are welcome.

The Sons of the American Legion group had a great run at their Bingo tent at the fair in July.  New officers were elected recently, with Bret Akers voted in as president.

The Sons are making plans to start some remodeling in the 100 plus year old Legion building in the near future.   

Kevin Minor was recently named Commander of the Legion, replacing Ken Riley.  They are currently working on a membership drive.

This was the first year in the Legion’s history that no Legion members were able to walk in the Muscatine County Fair Parade.

Upcoming events include the annual Legion golf tournament on Sept. 15 at the West Liberty Country Club.  It’s planned to kick off the annual raffle that day, also. 

Legion meetings are held the second Wednesday of the month at 6 p.m. at Legion Hall, followed by the Sons of the Legion meeting at 6:30 p.m. The auxiliary meets the first Monday of the month at 9:30 a.m.

For more info on anything Legion-related, please contact Kevin Minor for the Legion, Bret Akers for the Sons, or Gwen Kessler for the auxiliary., or visit our Facebook page, American Legion Family West Liberty Post #509.  Or just come to a meeting!

As a reminder, you are eligible for the Legion if you have served at least one day of active military duty since Dec. 7, 1941, and were honorably discharged or you are still serving active military duty honorably. 

To be eligible for the Sons, you must be one of the following: The male descendant (includes stepsons and adopted sons) of a current member of the American Legion. The male descendant (stepsons and adopted sons included) of a veteran who served during World War l, or any period from Dec. 7, 1941, to today.

As far as the Auxiliary membership requirements go, you must be a male or female spouse, a grandmother, mother, sister or direct or adopted female descendant of a member of the American Legion, to belong.
