Rotary & RAGBRAI raise human trafficking donations


“Ring the bell and save a child from human trafficking.”

That was the message Rotary Human Trafficking Prevention Chairman Tom Barr yelled out the morning of Saturday, July 29, when thousands of bicycle enthusiasts along the RAGBRAI route stopped in downtown West Liberty. 

Trying to draw attention in collecting donations toward one of his organization’s main projects, the Rotary Club of West Liberty member collected just $347 that morning, a far cry from the $5,800 he’s collected over the past five years campaigning against Human Trafficking. 

Barr says the fight against human trafficking isn’t getting any easier, noting statistics report 320 people are victims of human trafficking every day in America and the groups he supports are “trying desperately to find funding.”

He says funding for local groups like Family Resources and Braking Traffik aren’t getting the funding they deserve and he’s among a state-wide group of Rotary members working to obtain more funding from the state to keep programs alive that can not only benefit victims, but can help educate citizens about the serious problem.

He says even the Secretary of State David Platt is on board, campaigning through Rotary Clubs in the state to establish IBAT, Iowa Businesses Against Trafficking. Barr said he has also approached the local Rotary Club of West Liberty board of directors about supporting the statewide program. 

He said getting statewide funding would help social services and police do their job better while training and educating others about the variety of ways people can become victims of human trafficking.

Barr not only set up educational booths at the West Liberty RAGBRAI event, but also spent four days near the Rotary booth at the Muscatine County Fair in West Liberty, where he got people talking about the seriousness of human trafficking, including asking if they’ve seen the movie “Sounds of Freedom,” the story of a man who journeys deep into the Columbian jungle to save a girl from ruthless child traffickers. 

“It hasn’t been the most successful year for fundraising,” said a disappointed Barr, noting the past two times RAGBRAI has passed through West Liberty, at least $1,000 was gained, but he said positioning on a side street didn’t help the cause this year rather than being in the main flow on Third Street although pointing out bike riders were still generous.

He hopes residents in the community will still donate. He said July 30 was World Day Against Trafficking Persons.

Anyone interested in more information should contact Barr at 847-344-9401.
