Concerns about West Liberty youth


After viewing some materials in our school libraries, I became very concerned for the WL youth.

I was very impressed with the parents who spoke at the July 18 School Board Meeting regarding this pornography. I have heard a few misrepresentations of what they addressed, so I thought it was important to restate the position I heard:

• Our state laws protect minors from obscenity, this should include school libraries. (Iowa code 728).

• The Board of Education is legally responsible for all materials in the district. (Policy 603.4)

• School administration has the authority to remove materials that are not appropriate. (Policy 603.4).

• The superintendent has responsibility for developing procedures for selection of media center materials. (Policy 604.4)

• The Reconsideration Process was never designed to address pornography as evidenced by the inclusion of STUDENTS in the review process. (Policy 603.5)

• Pornography can have very damaging effects on children and their relationships for years to come.

• Parents do not want to subject any minors to pornography through the Review Process.

• School administration have removed numerous books for a wide variety of reasons. They should act to protect WL children.

• Parents are focused on pornography and clearly stated this has nothing to do with GSA/Rainbow.

• Parents did NOT request or even mention any employment actions. They focused solely on removal of pornography.

• Support among the community is growing rapidly and has increased since their presentations.

• Parents voiced support for Superintendent Kruger and are asking for immediate action within his scope of authority.

Jean Reynolds

West Liberty
